Turn pages of iBooks app with just a hand gesture
[Updated january 2017] Project almost finished! Everything works, everything built in an aluminium case, 3d-logo on it. The only thing is that I have to construct a wooden standard… But very soon I will post more photo’s & code & video etc.
Less boring hand strength exercise with Arduino
CAUTION: Training too much with too heavy weight can cause serious injuries (as I experienced recently…) Since I am a kind of rock climber hand strength is a real important issue for me, so I have a lot of hand strength trainers, but they’re all so boring in use.Also people […]
How to hookup Adafruit VCNL4010 Proximity and Light sensor
I couldn’t find any image of the circuit to hook up my Arduino Uno to this Adafruit proximity sensor brakeboard on the internet… So I had to read it somewhere, and I don’t like to read, I like to watch. So here’s the fritzing/breadboard scheme: It’s very simple as you […]